All deliveries are made with global package delivery company SecurePol Group and DHL. The orders are shipped from our warehouse in Italy to your delivery address. Please note that shipments to post office boxes will not be delivered.
Destination Service Cost
Italy: 20€
Europe: 40€
USA & Canada: 40 €
Central and South America: 50 €
Middle East: 40 €
Far East: 50 €
All orders will be delivered by our carrier partners, from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday and will require a signature upon receipt. Each product is shipped and insured
All shipments outside the European Union may be subject to import charges, which are the responsibility of the purchaser. We cannot predict what your particular charges may be.
For more information regarding your country’s customs policies, please contact your local customs office.
Please note that your order will only be shipped once payment and delivery details have been approved. Order cut-off times are provided as guidelines only and do not take into account possible delays caused by payment authorization.